Is it possible to measure the depth of well using kinematics equations?

Yes, it is possible to measure the depth of a well using kinematic equations. Let's learn how to do it.

We are going to determine the depth of a well ( D meter ).

To perform this activity we will use sound as a medium.

Let's learn How???

👉Take a stone and drop it into the well and start the stopwatch.

Note:- Keep in mind that you don't throw the stone, you just drop in such a way that its initial velocity is zero.

👉You will hear the sound of the stone striking the water surface. Stop the stopwatch and note down the timing.
Now, we should be clear with the fact that the total time is divided into two parts-

T1 = time taken by stone to reach the water surface after it is dropped.

T2 = time taken by the sound of stone hitting the water surface. It travels from the surface to us.

We will be considering the speed of sound in air equal to 343 m/s.

So, we know that T = T1 + T2

Suppose, we assume the total time taken to be 3s i.e T = 3s.

First of all let's calculate the time taken by the stone to reach the water surface.


Now, let's us calculate the time taken by the sound waves to reach the top from the surface of the water.

So, we got the value of the depth of the well. We have skipped the calculations part, where we did the calculations with the help of a calculator.

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